Saturday, June 12, 2010

I am not my hair...or AM I???

We've all heard the song before and at least every woman has sung this tune at one point in their life. I even proclaim this phrase every now and then. However, when I sit back and think, I wonder...maybe I AM my hair more than I would like to believe. Very often than not, my hair dictates my mood, I don't know why but it does. 

For some reason, many women choose to drastically change their hair after a major life event. Break up/divorce among the most common, new career move, new family addition, etc. Why? In my opinion, our hair is the easiest, quickest and most accessible change we can make to transform ourselves into a "new person" after the particular major life event. We have total control over it and no one can tell us "No" because it is all OURS. We don't have to consult our husband, ask our boss, or wonder what effect it will have on our children...everything about our hair is  in OUR control. Recently, after my move to DC, I got a new hair cut and left the salon feeling like a brand new woman! I was starting a new chapter in my life with my new job and living in a new city so the new cut of course made the chapter complete. So, I took it upon my self to take a poll (via Twitter of course) and posed a question to my female followers:

"Why do you think black women, or women in general, are so emotionally attached to their hair?"


"Our hair can do so many things but it's frustrating when we have to do so much to make it look great...I guess we or I don't feel sexy and pretty when it doesn't look how we want." 

"We are obsessed with our hair because it is an extension of who we's so crucial to our identity." 

"When my hair isn't down and "popped" I don't feel as pretty and my mood, flirtatious nature, clothing choices, etc. changes."

Within all of these responses I couldn't help but notice how this one little fraction of our body we call hair can take control over our entire being, defining mood and altering personal confidence. And yes, I too am a victim of this! So where did this begin? Some would argue it is due to popular culture of what's beautiful and socially acceptable, but I'm not going to go that deep. I just believe women like to look and feel their best at all time. And why shouldn't we? 

So is it a crime if I AM my hair??? I say no! Hair doesn't define the woman but allows her to express her creativity, which in return reflects who she is. Therefore; to some extent we are all our hair but it doesn't define our entire existence. So yes, I am my hair AND I am so many other things as well. Hair is just a morsel of my personality. For several black women hair is nothing but an accessory, we change it often to match our clothes, professions, etc. Now of course I'm not oblivious to the typical stereotypes of African-American hair by other races and sadly enough even our own, but let's try to enjoy our beautiful tresses along with the many styles we are able to do experience and not focus on what others think of our Crown & Glory

Going forward I would like to sing.... "I am my hair and I am also strong and I am smart, successful, funny, etc." **Insert India Arie Voice here**

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